The following political surgery dates have been arranged:
Saturday March 22 at Garff Commissioners Office, New Road, Laxey 10:30-midday*
Saturday June 21 at Garff Commissioners Office, New Road, Laxey 10:30-midday*
*Dates correct at time of printing – please see media for confirmation near the time.
All Garff constituents are welcome to drop in to any scheduled surgery. They will be hosted by Daphne Caine with other local politicians depending on availability.
Please contact Daphne to arrange a meeting outside these times.
Office: 01624 651519
More surgery dates may be arranged for later in 2025 – depending on demand.
Daphne will co-host the May political surgery with Garff Commissioner Julie Pinson.
Please note it will be held later than usual at 11am to 12.30pm on Saturday May 11. This is to enable Daphne to attend the opening of the Manx Youth Games at the National Sports Centre in Douglas – one of the nicer official duties since she was appointed Minister for Education, Sport and Culture in February.
Remaining political surgery dates for 2024 are below. All are listed on the 2024 wall calendar and newsletter. If you have not received a copy or would like additional copies they are available by contacting Daphne, and also at Garff Commissioners’ Office in Laxey and Onchan Commissioners/Library, plus at Legislative Buildings in Finch Road, Douglas, or you can download it here.
Saturday May 11 at Garff Commissioners Office, New Road, Laxey 11:00am – 12:30pm LATER THAN PREVIOUSLY ADVERTISED
Saturday July 13 at Garff Commissioners Office, New Road, Laxey 10:30-midday
Saturday September 14 at Cooil Roi, Laxey, 10:30-midday with Andrew Smith MHK\
Saturday Oct 5 at Garff Commissioners Office, New Road, Laxey 10:30-midday
Thursday Nov 21 at Archibald Knox pub meeting room, Onchan, 5:00-6:00pm
Dates correct at time of printing – please see media for confirmation near the time.
All Garff constituents are welcome to drop in to any scheduled surgery. They will be hosted by Daphne Caine with other local or national politicians depending on availability.
Please contact Daphne Caine to arrange a meeting outside these times.
Political surgeries for the year are confirmed as per the list below.
No dates yet for the summer months, given the lower turnout experienced in good weather! However, Daphne is planning an open invitation to have a ‘Cuppa with your MHK’ on Laxey prom instead as that is where she gets to talk to more constituents about local concerns.
Please check local media and social media for outdoor surgery dates. Please also confirm the announced surgeries nearer each date in case of cancellation owing to illness for instance.
All are listed on the 2023 wall calendar, delivered by IoM Post early January. If you have not received a copy or would like additional copies please contact Daphne or download it here.
Political surgery dates with Daphne Caine MHK and a local commissioner, some to be confirmed (TBC):
Saturday January 28 at Garff Commissioners Office, New Road, Laxey 1030- midday with Mel Christian
Saturday March 11 at Garff Commissioners Office, New Road, Laxey 1030-midday with Tim Kenyon
Thursday 13 April at Archibald Knox pub meeting room, Avondale Road, Onchan 5-6pm, with Onchan Commissioner TBC
Saturday May 13 at Garff Commissioners Office, New Road, Laxey 1030- midday Jamie Smith
Saturday June 24 at Garff Commissioners Office, New Road, Laxey 1030- midday Marinda Fargher
Saturday October 14 at Garff Commissioners Office, New Road, Laxey 1030- midday Aishlinn Creer TBC
Thursday November 23 at Archibald Knox pub meeting room, Avondale Road, Onchan 5-6pm with Onchan commissioner TBC
No booking required – just drop in.
Thank you to all Garff constituents for re-electing me to serve in the House of Keys for a further five years.
I was humbled to top the poll with 1122 votes within such a strong field of candidates. I pledge to work on behalf of all Garff constituents and in the best interests of the Isle of Man in Tynwald.
It is pleasing to be part of a history-making House of Keys, which saw a record 10 women elected on 23 September 2021. I look forward to a more gender balanced Council of Ministers taking the island forward with progressive policies that put the Isle of Man community at the heart of its decision making.
Congratulations to Andrew Smith on also being elected as a Member for Garff, and my thanks to Martyn Perkins for all our joint working over the past five years.
The first political surgery has been arranged for Saturday 13 November at Garff Commissioners Office, New Road Laxey, from 1030am until midday. We will be joined by newly elected Garff Commissioners Melanie Christian and Aishlinn Creer. All Garff constituents welcome.
Please contact me by email or phone (office) 651519 to raise any constituency matters.
Best wishes
It has been an honour to represent you for the past five years as MHK for Garff.
Having lived at the heart of the constituency for 25 years with my husband Chris and our two children, who now attend Ramsey Grammar School, I have sought to put the issues that matter to you at the forefront of all that I have done locally and in Tynwald.
I care passionately about the future of our island and have been actively working at local and national level to press for positive changes to benefit residents of Garff and the wider island.
My vision is for the Isle of Man to become a beacon of sustainable living, with affordable homes and increased environmental awareness. A place that harnesses a variety of renewable energy generation and becomes a centre of educational excellence, attracting graduates to return and study here. A place with exciting varied job opportunities, where entertainment and outdoor activities abound, and with fair taxation supporting services for the most vulnerable and removing inequalities from the youngest to the elderly.
Full details of my policy priorities for the next five years can be found in my 2021 manifesto – available here. Copies are scheduled to be delivered to every home in the Garff constituency by mid-September. You can see what I hope to achieve in future in the manifesto for 2021 and compare my work over the past five years with what I said I would do when I first stood for election in 2016.
Please contact me if for any reason you do not receive a copy, or if would like it in a more accessible format – Braille, audio or large print.
Polling day for the House of Keys General Election is Thursday 23 September 2021 from 8am to 8pm. Please take time to vote. I would be grateful if you would give me one of your two votes to continue working hard for a positive future for our community and the Isle of Man.
Very best wishes
Maughold resident Mrs Caine, who has represented the constituency since 2016, said her priorities are education, the environment and island infrastructure, especially roads and flood mitigation.
Mrs Caine confirmed she will stand again as an independent candidate. She said:
‘I have worked constantly on a wide variety of constituency issues both before and during the pandemic, and I’m aware many face uncertain times as we come out of the health crisis.
‘I believe we need to focus on better social and environmental policies that benefit more people and a speedier adoption of renewable energy. Housing remains a concern as does general health and social care provision, and government accountability and openness is still not where it should be.
‘I am also passionate about conserving our heritage and celebrating our culture to ensure the Island remains attractive as a place to work and raise a family,’ she added.
A former journalist with 20 years of communications and customer service experience within the public sector, Mrs Caine has been political lead of Digital Isle of Man since being appointed to serve on the Deprtment for Enterprise.
In parliament she brought forward a private member’s bill that will enable no fault divorces on the island and has spoken frequently on education and environmental issues, including tabling the Tynwald motion declaring the climate crisis.
The Isle of Man General Election will be held on Thursday 23 September 2021.

2021 Calendar
To download this year calendar with 2021 political surgery, Elections, Isle of Man school holidays and other notable dates and including useful contacts please click here.
Political surgery dates 2021
Garff political surgeries have been scheduled for the following dates and times in Laxey:
Saturday 16 January 2021 from 10.30am to midday CANCELLED owing to lockdown – date to be rescheduled
Saturday 10 April 2021 from 10.30am to midday
Both will be held at Garff Commissioners Office on New Road. A Garff Commissioner may also attend.
Additional surgeries will be held at the Archibald Knox meeting room on Avondale Road, Onchan:
Saturday 6 March 2021 from midday to 1pm
Saturday 19 June from midday to 1pm
Please see local media for information on additional political surgery dates, which will be confirmed after the House of Keys General Election due to be held on Thursday 23 September 2021.
All constituents are welcome to attend
Any constituency issues can be raised at the surgery with me or Martyn Perkins MHK.
Contact us direct to arrange a private appointment:
Office Tel: 651519 / 651518
Legislation that would enable no fault divorces on the Isle of Man is scheduled to go before the House of Keys for its second reading on Friday (15 May 2020).
The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation (Isle of Man) Bill is a private member’s bill brought forward by Garff MHK Daphne Caine.
She commented: “This is a short bill with a far reaching potential impact. If approved it will remove the need for divorcing couples to cite adultery or unreasonable behaviour in order to obtain a divorce in less than two years. The aim is to reduce the adversarial nature of divorce, which it’s believed will lessen the negative impact on the couple and any children involved. It would take out blame and increase the honesty of the divorce process.”
At present if both parties agree, divorce is permitted after a separation of two years but it is a five year wait if one party does not agree to divorce. Under the bill, a couple would be able to apply singly or jointly and obtain a final divorce or dissolution in six months, simply by confirming their marriage or civil partnership had irretrievably broken down.
The legislation is similar to a bill now being progressed through the House of Lords, promoted by the UK Government. In countries where no fault divorce is permitted, rates of fault based divorce reduce from 60% to 6%.
The Isle of Man bill follows a recommendation from a working party of family law advocates who researched the matter on the island.
And in a recent public consultation 94% of respondents supported reforming the law on these lines on the Isle of Man.
Of the 192 individuals who responded to the consultation –
• 94% supported the no fault divorce principle
• 96% agreed couples should be able to apply jointly or singly
• 62% supported a 26 week process as proposed
• 25% supported no minimum period
The full consultation results can be seen here.