Political surgery dates 2021
Garff political surgeries have been scheduled for the following dates and times in Laxey:
Saturday 16 January 2021 from 10.30am to midday CANCELLED owing to lockdown – date to be rescheduled
Saturday 10 April 2021 from 10.30am to midday
Both will be held at Garff Commissioners Office on New Road. A Garff Commissioner may also attend.
Additional surgeries will be held at the Archibald Knox meeting room on Avondale Road, Onchan:
Saturday 6 March 2021 from midday to 1pm
Saturday 19 June from midday to 1pm
Please see local media for information on additional political surgery dates, which will be confirmed after the House of Keys General Election due to be held on Thursday 23 September 2021.
All constituents are welcome to attend
Any constituency issues can be raised at the surgery with me or Martyn Perkins MHK.
Contact us direct to arrange a private appointment:
Office Tel: 651519 / 651518
Email: daphne.caine@gov.im